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Random Confession

Tired of the life

Last year I had an affair, it was exhilarating, the lying, the sneaking around, the secrets, it was all so exciting. Then my wife found out and she didn’t leave me but life has sucked since then. So why’d I have one, first don’t judge unless your married cause you have no idea what it’s like, my wife’s not a bad person, she’s just always there. I had the affair to get some life back into me, and I want to do it again. Call me whatever want, but unless you’ve had an affair then you don’t know the excitement it can bring.
Seeking Family September 30, 2019 at 9:42 pm 1

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1 Confession Comment
Your wife deserves better than you. And I’m sure the person you had the affair with is some fat skank who smokes a pack a day, she probably has kids by different dads and only fucks losers like you. She’s not half the woman your wife is. And you should thank god she didn’t leave your dumbass.
The judge 5 years ago
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